Briefing office

Labour Representation Committee statement

Briefing office

The LRC says:

The LRC endorses the candidature of Jennie Formby to become the next General Secretary of the Labour Party. We have already publicised her statement, which makes it clear that she is fully supportive of the present Corbyn leadership. She is believed to be the favoured candidate of Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell and has the support of at least 17 NEC members and 15 Labour MPs so far.

The LRC is perturbed to hear of a bid by Jon Lansman to be a candidate for the same post. This would be a huge mistake on his part and we urge him to withdraw. Most obviously it would be seen as a contest between two left wing candidates, which could allow the right to gain the post by default and damage the leftward move within the Labour party since Jeremy became leader.

Jon has only just been elected as a member of our NEC. If selected as Gen Sec he would have to resign his place, threatening the fragile left wing majority on that body. By the rules of the NEC election process, his place would be taken by the right wing runner up, Eddie izzard.

In his statement Jon claims, “I would especially encourage more women to apply.” This is bizarre. Has he not noticed that Jennie qualifies in this respect, and he does not?

Jon is seen as the head of Momentum, a powerful force for the left within the Labour Party. However his leadership of Momentum has also raised questions about his belief in the very democratic structures that members are hoping will be increasingly democratised under a new General Secretary.

His friends and supporters should urge him to withdraw.